Jiri Borkovec: Mass Attack

How to "do" abs at home
Want ads? Until they can come very easily! Jump to first pottery shop! :)
Joking aside (at left), 98% of people not satisfied with the look of your stomach. Moreover, some male specimens of the stomach can not see "that" your piece ... These are the lost case when it comes to pads and good abs ... This shall continue to read those for which there is hope, the other free to ldemoral! :)
I think it is time that someone says in the face, like over the monitor, that is the way to tuck muscles very long and tiring. It is terribly stupid to believe a variety of magazines in which writes to you for a month with a slightly lying the floor and with some exercises that more strike person to get to "perfect the stomach" as often like to write. Beware: Who wants abs, be good to perspire under wear! What can you so?
Magic formula (unfortunately) no, the thing is a few things, and gain six pack abs fast :
1. Strong will - without this nothing. You must firmly decide that you will try and dying until you manage to "do" abs so that you and below T-shirts (and jackets.!)
2. Nutrition - To this rare man attaches significance. Nothing you can do thousands of abs a day, after that if you eat three oxen, empty bakery and seven steals ice cream factory. Belly is a favorite place where fat (lipids) make their parties. Of course, should not hunger, but to make sure the food. It is desirable to enter as little fat. I half free sweets if you can not just eliminate them. Humanity is a day needs about 1200-1300 calories. We eat about 3000 thousand! Twice as much! And those poor black people from Africa do not bring a day or 1000, and now you see ...
3. Run - an important moment in the whole story. Realize that you have as much to be physically active. Go on the run, football, basketball, cricket, how did I know, any sport.Watch to run 5 days a week, 2 days rest. If every day run 5 km, it would be enough. Using the download running with belly fat that obscure your view of the impressive muscles!
4. Abs - Many people think that is enough to do just abs. No. First, firmly resolve that you will regularly train. Then, the reduced intake of fat - so your stomach will no longer grow. Then running remove existing deposits bacon, and finally stronger abs abdominal muscles which will then flash on your stomach, which no longer cover the Blogosphere.
Abs is possible to run in the house. Put a pillow under my ass, legs stuck under the three-seater and pumping . Are grateful, and it is easy to increase their number from day to day.
Today, make 50 pieces, tomorrow 100th There you will catch pneumonia, which is a sign that something progressive going on in the area of your body that you have neglected. Ideally, when each day the number increased for the 50th abs And then arrive at the figure of 1,000 a day! There are hold. 1000 abs, running, cultural food - and our solutions to you! Time you exercise to enter the blood, so you will not be a problem to work on it. Ide, somehow, just by itself to gain six pack abs fast.
How to twist the floor? (or any abs work?)
There are classic abs: sitting on the floor, legs slightly curved at the knees and stuck to a piece of furniture. Work in batches of 50 pieces. After a few minutes break, and again 50 pieces. This exercise greatest influence on the upper and middle abs.
For lower abs: Lie down on the floor, give your legs and blind them with one another (if you have that leg, you can cope). Raise it some 30 cm from the flooring. Push then slowly up and down. You kicked and write alphabet, numbers. Work while you can. When you bump the legs of pathos, a little rest, and again! and, consistently!
For the lower abs is good and classic work abs, legs apart only to be free to , ie. not not post them for nothing.
You and this: Lie down on the back, and then push trunk and legs bent so that the chin touch the knee. Just be careful, do not own teeth erupt? :) Repeat this in a series of 50 pieces and abs get pack six.
Joking aside (at left), 98% of people not satisfied with the look of your stomach. Moreover, some male specimens of the stomach can not see "that" your piece ... These are the lost case when it comes to pads and good abs ... This shall continue to read those for which there is hope, the other free to ldemoral! :)
I think it is time that someone says in the face, like over the monitor, that is the way to tuck muscles very long and tiring. It is terribly stupid to believe a variety of magazines in which writes to you for a month with a slightly lying the floor and with some exercises that more strike person to get to "perfect the stomach" as often like to write. Beware: Who wants abs, be good to perspire under wear! What can you so?
Magic formula (unfortunately) no, the thing is a few things, and gain six pack abs fast :
1. Strong will - without this nothing. You must firmly decide that you will try and dying until you manage to "do" abs so that you and below T-shirts (and jackets.!)
2. Nutrition - To this rare man attaches significance. Nothing you can do thousands of abs a day, after that if you eat three oxen, empty bakery and seven steals ice cream factory. Belly is a favorite place where fat (lipids) make their parties. Of course, should not hunger, but to make sure the food. It is desirable to enter as little fat. I half free sweets if you can not just eliminate them. Humanity is a day needs about 1200-1300 calories. We eat about 3000 thousand! Twice as much! And those poor black people from Africa do not bring a day or 1000, and now you see ...
3. Run - an important moment in the whole story. Realize that you have as much to be physically active. Go on the run, football, basketball, cricket, how did I know, any sport.Watch to run 5 days a week, 2 days rest. If every day run 5 km, it would be enough. Using the download running with belly fat that obscure your view of the impressive muscles!
4. Abs - Many people think that is enough to do just abs. No. First, firmly resolve that you will regularly train. Then, the reduced intake of fat - so your stomach will no longer grow. Then running remove existing deposits bacon, and finally stronger abs abdominal muscles which will then flash on your stomach, which no longer cover the Blogosphere.
Abs is possible to run in the house. Put a pillow under my ass, legs stuck under the three-seater and pumping . Are grateful, and it is easy to increase their number from day to day.
Today, make 50 pieces, tomorrow 100th There you will catch pneumonia, which is a sign that something progressive going on in the area of your body that you have neglected. Ideally, when each day the number increased for the 50th abs And then arrive at the figure of 1,000 a day! There are hold. 1000 abs, running, cultural food - and our solutions to you! Time you exercise to enter the blood, so you will not be a problem to work on it. Ide, somehow, just by itself to gain six pack abs fast.
How to twist the floor? (or any abs work?)
There are classic abs: sitting on the floor, legs slightly curved at the knees and stuck to a piece of furniture. Work in batches of 50 pieces. After a few minutes break, and again 50 pieces. This exercise greatest influence on the upper and middle abs.
For lower abs: Lie down on the floor, give your legs and blind them with one another (if you have that leg, you can cope). Raise it some 30 cm from the flooring. Push then slowly up and down. You kicked and write alphabet, numbers. Work while you can. When you bump the legs of pathos, a little rest, and again! and, consistently!
For the lower abs is good and classic work abs, legs apart only to be free to , ie. not not post them for nothing.
You and this: Lie down on the back, and then push trunk and legs bent so that the chin touch the knee. Just be careful, do not own teeth erupt? :) Repeat this in a series of 50 pieces and abs get pack six.
Six Pack Abs in Time for Summer
The biggest myth when looking ts get pack six is that you need to perform an unlimited number of crunches. The real truth is that you must work hard to reduce body fat through proper food intake, increasing activity, or a combination of both.
In this article, I will focus on six core exercises that will help you build stabilization and strength in different planes of motion, which in turn will help you build those 6-pack abs you have always wanted.
Your ab routine should last about 20 minutes two to three times per week, with two to four exercises for 2-3 sets of 10-25 reps per exercise. The program below will allow you to superset your exercises to save time. The letters and numbers before the exercises will help you to keep your exercises in order.
You can superset A1 and A2 for the total number of sets before progressing to the next set of exercises. Complete all sets and reps of A exercises before moving to the B exercises.
A1 Incline Hip Raise:Lie on an incline bench with your head at the top and your feet towards the lower side. Bring your knees towards your chest and curl your hips up towards your shoulders. Pause at the top for a count of 2 seconds before returning to the starting position.
A2 Weighted Swiss Ball Crunches:Sit in upright position on a Swiss ball with feet flat on the floor. Walk feet forward to roll underneath body until the ball’s positioned on lower mid-back. Grab a 6-8 lb. medicine ball and leading with the chin and chest, reach towards the ceiling. Contract the abdominals and raise shoulders up.and abs get pack six.
B1 V Ups:Lie back on the floor with legs straight and arms extended overhead. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominals and raise the shoulders off the floor. Also raise legs up towards ceiling and attempt to touch your hands to your feet.
B1 V Ups:Lie back on the floor with legs straight and arms extended overhead. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominals and raise the shoulders off the floor. Also raise legs up towards ceiling and attempt to touch your hands to your feet.
B2 Front Planks: The goal of this exercise is to stabilize the muscles by holding a static position with your abs tight and braced. Lay flat on your chest. Elbows are placed on the floor at a 90 degree angle. By positioning the elbows right underneath the shoulder you maintain a stable position with support of the upper body. Lift hips and knees off the floor and maintain a straight spine with your head straight, back flat, and knees off the ground to gain six pack abs fast
C1 Stability Ball Rollouts:Start on your knees with forearms on the Swill ball and your arms outstretched. Roll yourself forward towards the ball using the forearms to support your weight until your body is in a straight line, hips parallel with the rest of your body. Brace the abs and roll back and return to the starting position by pulling your arms back up the ball until you are in an upright position.
C2 Prone Jackknife:Place your hands on the floor and your feet on a Swiss ball in a push-up position. Maintain a natural curve in the upper and lower back. Begin drawing your knees towards your chest. Do not allow any spinal movement. Extend the legs back to the starting position.
Great abs are a product of a healthy diet, consistent abdominal training, calorie-burning exercises, and reducing body fat by stimulating your metabolism. Here are four nutrition tips that will help to gain six pack abs fast
- Drink plenty of water –divide your weight by 2.2 for total ounces of daily water.
- Spread your calories into 5 or 6 smaller meals instead of 2-3 big ones.
- Avoid refined, simple carbohydrates that contain white flour or white sugar.
- Eat a good source of complete, high-quality lean protein with each meal.
Pre-workout creatine advantage ??

Creatine Timing
Despite a relatively long and prosperous existence, there's still considerable debate about when to take creatine. In fact, as time goes by, the subject of timing seems to get even more complicated. Some people take it only after workouts, some before workouts, while others say it doesn't matter. Let's have a quick look at the reasoning behind these ideas and hopefully put this baby to bed.
Taking creatine before a workout initially makes sense, because that way we'll have the creatine readily available during training. Of course, this novice thinking doesn't hold water because it takes a while for creatine to enter the muscle cell where it can enhance performance. In fact, it's been shown that pre-workout creatine consumption has no effect over placebo (19). What's more, we know that the anticatabolic effects of creatine are more long lived and don't suddenly take effect during a workout.
More recently, the pre-workout creatine theory got a big boost from the scientific literature. Tipton and buddies (27) showed that consuming a pre-workout meal enhanced muscle protein synthesis twice as much as the same meal consumed after a workout. This enhanced nutrient delivery and subsequent uptake could, some believe, apply to pre-workout creatine as well.
Unfortunately, we're comparing apples and oranges here. Carbohydrates stimulate blood flow and amino acids stimulate protein synthesis, but creatine does neither. We've also established that the effects of creatine occur long after the workout has occurred, while those of protein and sugars are far more acute. Sadly, the theory of a pre-workout creatine advantage doesn't seem to hold water any way you look at it.
As much as we love complicated scientific theories behind our practices, the post-workout creatine logic is quite simple: workouts deplete creatine, so post-workout we fill it back up. We can also take advantage of our post-workout insulin spike to drive the creatine into our muscles.
Perhaps the most important determinant of when to take creatine is the overwhelming mass of data available from the scientific literature. We have numerous studies showing that post-workout creatine consumption is effective, while the only study for pre-workout intake showed no acute effect.
Bottom Line: We have no scientific data to support pre-workout creatine use, but also none to suggest it's harmful. I'd stick with the tried and true method until evidence to the contrary arrives.
2010 top pre workout drinks.

Below I have put together a list of the top 10 pre-workout supplements based on these criteria. I have not only personally tried each and every one of them, but so has hundreds of others. The top 10 are ranked from 1-10 scale, 10 being the absolute perfect formula.
#1 – VPX NO Shotgun V.3, 28 Servings, WATERMELON
- 9.5 out of 10
“This supplement was good with a nice even energy rush which didn’t leave me jittery at all. I noticed that I started to shed some body fat while on this product, not to say i didn’t with the others, its just that I noticed it more with this one. Focus was great and my strength did increase significantly. If you read the write up on it the guys at VPX claim a 53% increase in leg press strength over a 4 week period. I found that to be a astounding claim so I had to see it for myself. My beginning leg press was 540 for about 3-4. After 4 weeks my leg press increased to 675 for 4. That’s a 24% increase which is still impressive for me because I have always had trouble with strength gains with my legs, especially the leg press. Overall I like NO Shotgun, but I wasn’t crazy about the taste and I found it to be a bit pricey. I have always like VPX because I think they do a good job at explaining the science behind their products and with this one, it offers you more than just a pump, but actual gains which can be measured.”
#2 - Accelerative Nutraceuticals MUSCLESPEED 90 tablets
- 9.4 out of 10
“This is the best pill form version of pre workout supplements currently available on the market today, perhaps the best one period. Its refreshing to be able to take some pills instead of mixing up a drink like I usually do (right now im using White Flood – thumbs up). Anyway, when taking this product I noticed an increase in strength about 4 days into using it. I was able to handle 315 lbs. on bench a lot easier than usual. I was reping 3 sets of 12 easily. Also, for some reason, the pill form is a little easier on my stomach than the other powder forms. You certainly cant go wrong here. Plus, there is 45 days worth of supplement here, a huge plus in my book .”
#3 - USPlabs Jack3d, 225 Grams, Lemon Lime
- 9.3 out of 10
“The lemon lime taste is good and mixes well. When I first tried this product I noticed a tingling sensation to go along with the incredible pump that I got. I took it 15 minutes before I hit the gym and I felt it in 1o! I did legs and stomach and I was hell bent on tearing up the squat rack. I knocked out 5 sets of squats and my whole body was pounding. I was ready for more so I hit the leg press and I was equally pleased at how focused I was as well as how long my endurance lasted. Legs is usually a weak spot for me so when I finished my entire workout in about 1 hour 15 minutes about 20 minutes ahead of schedule I was surprised. The only down side is that you run out fast and you’ve got to buy more.
#4 – BSN NO-Xplode NT, 30 Stick Packs, Fruit Punch
- 9.2 out of 10
“N.O. Xplode was really one of the pioneers of the new Nitric Oxide supplements that has virtually taken over the pre workout supplement line-up. This brand new version of the old school N.O. Xplode is definitely a worthy predecessor. I have tried both the fruit punch and blue raz sticks packs (fruit punch being my favorite out of the two) and have been very impressed with both. This is BSN’s new stab at the N.O. Xplode brand that although was decent, it did have some flaws in it like lack of sustained energy, and a sharp decrease in effectiveness over pro-longed periods of time. Apparently the people at BSN has taken heed to the complaints of their consumers and have in turn delivered on the goods with N.O. Xplode NT. This version of Xplode is hella potent. I don’t believe that you should make this your first N.O. experience. This product is for the hardcore lifters that just want to hurt something.”
#5 – Controlled Labs White Flood, 1.34 Lbs., Electric Lemonade
- 8.8 out of 10
“Overall one of the best nitric oxide products I have tried. It has clean and smooth energy that lasts for a good part of the day. It is a little intense during the first hour but if you train hard enough you should be set. If you read some other reviews, and I have, most people think that this is one of the most under-estimated N.O. products out on the market today. I’ll take White flood any day of the week over all this other hype crap. You feel it in about 20 minutes so make sure you are ready to lift, do cardio, or whatever it is you do because it will kick your ass if your not ready… I don’t know why white flood didn’t score as high as jacked or ether because its just as good.”
#6 - Dymatize Xpand Xtreme, 800 grams Blue Raspberry
- 8.8 out of 10
“This pre workout supplement is good but not as smooth as White Flood or Ether. The pumps were not Earth shattering, but that may be because I have been taking alot of different pre workout supplements and I may have built up my tolerance. I really don’t have any negative comments about it because it is on par with the more popular products like SuperPump 250 or N.O. Xplode. Right now you can get a free mixer plus an additional 10% off your purchase as a special promotion that wont last long. If your not a pre workout guru and just want a reliable product that is easy on the wallet then this is your N.O.2 “
#7 - Universal Animal Pump, 30 packs
- 8.5 out of 10
“This is one of the only pre workout supplements that is in pill form that made the list. That should be a good indication to you about how well this one did. There is no doubt that powder form N.O. supplements are better because your body can absorb the ingredients quicker, but still there are instances where the pill form would be better. Say if you are on the road and don’t have time to mix up a drink, you could just pop the pills with a drink and be done with it. So as far as flavor, there is none, but the effects such as mental focus and “pump” where definitely noticeable, but I wouldn’t say they were the best out of the bunch. This is a solid product that will work, its just not the best.. .”
#8 - Labrada Super Charge Xtreme N.O., 800 Grams, multiple flavors
- 8.5 out of 10
“Labrada products have been around for a while and has proven their products before like the Lean Body meal replacement drinks that everyone loves. Not to many people are aware of the fact that Super Charge Xtreme is a very underrated N.O. product that I for one was impressed with. I tried the grape and the fruit punch – both of which were decent tasting, and the pump I got was good, no headaches or gitters, just clean pumps for a good 3 hours. I would recommend any one try Xtreme N.O. It taste good, gives you great sustained muscle pumps and the results will speak for themselves.”
#9 - Gaspari Nutrition SuperPump250, 800 Grams, Grape Cooler
- 8.4 out of 10
“Gaspari Nutrition is always a safe bet. Good solid products that do exactly what you want it to do. The first thing that I would like to point out is the great taste and mix-ability of this product. I liked the grape cooler flavor the best, but the Orange was good too. This N.O. supplement is great for 2 reasons – It give you a great pump, and it helps to increase muscle density. There have been reports of this product keeping people up at night, so be aware of the fact that if you workout at night-time you should either workout earlier so you can take the recommended amount, or just plan of reorganizing your garage at 12:00 at night.”
#10 -
1 – Get Diesel Nos Ether, 660 Grams, Cherry Lemonade
- 8.4 out of 10
“The cherry lemonade taste was good which surprised me. Talk about under the radar products. You don’t hear much about Nos Ether but let me be the one to make you aware of a killer pre workout formula that delivers insane pumps consistently, over and over again. What I like about this stuff is that I don’t get over caffeinated to the point that your kidneys give out, nor does it lack that caffeine kick that you expect and often times rely upon to get you in the mood to crush steel. Its a great product that stayed below the radar no more. Come experience this years top rated under-dog of 2010!!
The most important thing to remember before taking a pre workout supplement is that you must take it in cycles. Meaning that if you are currently taking a pre workout supplement or have just finished one, then you should take a 2-3 week break before starting another one. This rule also applies to ANY supplement that contains stimulants like caffeine. If your taking a fat burner for instance, and want to begin taking a pre workout supplement than you need to wait that 2-3 week period before starting so you can start clean and feel the full effects of the product.
A Quick Weight Loss Meal Plan That Works
In the search for weight loss meal plans that work, you will most probably be faced with a huge number of choices. It can be very difficult to find one that you can trust when you are new to dieting and weight loss. You do not want to get on a fad diet or quick-fix method to lose weight only to put everything and more back on. The emotional ups and downs, fluctuating weight loss and gain, as well as the time invested can be very frustrating.
If you are going on traditional diet plans that cut out entire food groups and restrict your calorie intake severely over the long term, it can be an almost sure bet that you will eventually give up and put the lost weight back on. Not to mention it can feel like you are consigning yourself to a lifetime of food torture. The funny thing is that real people who do lose weight and keep it off do not go on diets like these. They still have the freedom to eat their favorite foods without feeling guilty that they cheated on their diet plan and still abs get pack six.
A type of diet known as calorie shifting has been proven to work in helping people lose weight without depriving them of their favorite foods for life. It has been used in various forms in the health and fitness circle for many years, and is now becoming more popular in the mainstream population. The concept is simple. You keep your metabolism high while lowering your calorie intake by following a specific eating pattern and food groupings. The double whammy of both these effects is what helps to accelerate your weight loss by burning fat from higher metabolism and lower calorie intake.
If a calorie shifting diet is something that you want to consider, you can check out our Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet review. It is a very popular diet that has helped many overweight men and women to lose weight quickly and gain six pack abs fast
If you are going on traditional diet plans that cut out entire food groups and restrict your calorie intake severely over the long term, it can be an almost sure bet that you will eventually give up and put the lost weight back on. Not to mention it can feel like you are consigning yourself to a lifetime of food torture. The funny thing is that real people who do lose weight and keep it off do not go on diets like these. They still have the freedom to eat their favorite foods without feeling guilty that they cheated on their diet plan and still abs get pack six.
A type of diet known as calorie shifting has been proven to work in helping people lose weight without depriving them of their favorite foods for life. It has been used in various forms in the health and fitness circle for many years, and is now becoming more popular in the mainstream population. The concept is simple. You keep your metabolism high while lowering your calorie intake by following a specific eating pattern and food groupings. The double whammy of both these effects is what helps to accelerate your weight loss by burning fat from higher metabolism and lower calorie intake.
If a calorie shifting diet is something that you want to consider, you can check out our Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet review. It is a very popular diet that has helped many overweight men and women to lose weight quickly and gain six pack abs fast
. As a diet, it is very effective when followed but it is not suited for everyone.
Taking the long term view when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off is the way to go. Healthy Weight loss plans will help you to not only go on an overall healthy diet that you can sustain, but also encourages you to include healthy physical activity into your lifestyle.3 Steps To Great Abs!
Myth: You need to work your abs everyday.
Truth: The best way to develop abdominal strength and tone is to work your abs to exhaustion. You need to allow your abdominal muscles to recover..this equates to 24-48 hours of rest time between workouts. Increase the intensity of your workouts gradually. If you overdo it, not only will you be excessively sore (a little soreness is a good thing, it signifies that you have worked the muscle enough for it to repair itself and become stronger in the process), but you may discourage yourself because you will need more rest time than normal and it will be harder to do your ab exercises and gain gain six pack abs fast.
Myth: The more situps you do, the better.
Truth: Doing hundreds of situps will not help you lose abdominal fat! Situps actually do little to increase strength because they focus on edurance and are inefficient; it is hard to overload the abdominal muscles doing situps. Thus, you will be wasting your time. Crunches (yes, crunches) are the best way to overload the abs and work the entire midsection, whether you do them on the floor or on a Swiss Ball (my personal favorite!). There are many variations of crunches, and each targets different parts of the abdominal muscles. While doing crunches, it is imperative that you focus on proper technique and gradually increasing resistance. Using this method, you can fatigue your abdominal muscles using fewer reps and abs get pack six.
Myth: Situps are the key to getting "cut" ab muscles.
Truth: If you have layers of abdominal fat covering your abs, situps, or any other exercise, for that matter, won't do you much good. For a strong, cut midsection, keep in mind these tips:
1. Train your abs with resistance. If you are a beginner, try crunches without resistance first. As you get stronger, then move to more challenging moves or crunches using a Swiss Ball.
2. You need consistent cardiovascular exercise (helps to burn fat faster, performed at 80% of your maximum heart rate).
3. Cut the fat in your diet to shed body fat and create definition. This is the only way your abs will show through! Remember, great abs are made in the kitchen!
We make it easy to improve your health and feel good about yourself.

Truth: The best way to develop abdominal strength and tone is to work your abs to exhaustion. You need to allow your abdominal muscles to recover..this equates to 24-48 hours of rest time between workouts. Increase the intensity of your workouts gradually. If you overdo it, not only will you be excessively sore (a little soreness is a good thing, it signifies that you have worked the muscle enough for it to repair itself and become stronger in the process), but you may discourage yourself because you will need more rest time than normal and it will be harder to do your ab exercises and gain gain six pack abs fast.
Myth: The more situps you do, the better.
Truth: Doing hundreds of situps will not help you lose abdominal fat! Situps actually do little to increase strength because they focus on edurance and are inefficient; it is hard to overload the abdominal muscles doing situps. Thus, you will be wasting your time. Crunches (yes, crunches) are the best way to overload the abs and work the entire midsection, whether you do them on the floor or on a Swiss Ball (my personal favorite!). There are many variations of crunches, and each targets different parts of the abdominal muscles. While doing crunches, it is imperative that you focus on proper technique and gradually increasing resistance. Using this method, you can fatigue your abdominal muscles using fewer reps and abs get pack six.
Myth: Situps are the key to getting "cut" ab muscles.
Truth: If you have layers of abdominal fat covering your abs, situps, or any other exercise, for that matter, won't do you much good. For a strong, cut midsection, keep in mind these tips:
1. Train your abs with resistance. If you are a beginner, try crunches without resistance first. As you get stronger, then move to more challenging moves or crunches using a Swiss Ball.
2. You need consistent cardiovascular exercise (helps to burn fat faster, performed at 80% of your maximum heart rate).
3. Cut the fat in your diet to shed body fat and create definition. This is the only way your abs will show through! Remember, great abs are made in the kitchen!
We make it easy to improve your health and feel good about yourself.

Lose that Holiday Weight Gain, the Circuit Training Way

Overindulging during the Holiday season is all too easy, we know from experience! Even the best intentions can get forgotten amongst all the different parties and generous portions.
So what happens in January when you want to shed those extra pounds? Back to the same old gym routine? Why not start the New Year with a new training philosophy – high intensity circuit training.
There is a lot of conflicting advice about how long and how hard you need to exercise in order to lose weight. A high intensity circuit is proven to increase your metabolism and burn loads of calories. High intensity exercises should push you to between 70% and 80% of your working heart rate. It requires hard work, but don’t let this put you off. Given a balanced nutritious diet, high intensity exercises will help you to achieve your weight loss goals.
Below is one of our favorite weight loss circuits. Carry out three circuits of all eight exercises, with no rest breaks between exercises and two minutes of rest between circuits. It should take just over one hour in total.
1. Skipping – 3 minutes.
2. Farmer’s Walk – 4 x 20m Walks. Mark out 20 yards on the ground, holding one dumbbell in each hand and walk quickly.
3. Run (Treadmill) – 5 minutes. Try inclining your run to add extra difficulty.
4. Aerobic Rows – 3 minutes.
5. Burpees – 5 sets of 10 with 30 seconds rest between sets. Start in the push up position, bring your knees to your chest and then stand up quickly performing a jump, before returning to your original position.
6. Airdyne Bike – 1 minute – Using your arms only. If you can’t find one of these, try stacking some steps under a normal exercise bike and using the pedals from that instead.
7. Squat Thrusts – 5 sets of 10 with 30 seconds rest between sets. Start in the push up position, bring one knee to your chest keeping the other leg straight. Quickly swap by straightening your bent leg and bring your other knee into your chest.
8. Exercise Bike – 5 minutes.
High intensity circuit training delivers both muscular and cardiovascular endurance, but, above all, it is fun, engaging and ultimately rewarding.
Chohwora Udu & Jim McHale are the Authors of Hardcore Circuit Training for Men, which will be available at SportsWorkout.com and bookstores nationwide on January 1st.
Solid stomach - Abs
Do you want to gain six pack abs fast? I do not know the person who does not want!
People spend millions, if not billions of euros every year in search of a flat stomach. Currently there are over 200 different devices for exercise, with a very sound names, promising abs rock in less than 8 minutes a day.
The man would have thought that with the existence of all these amazing products most people walk around showing a beautiful and slim middle part of the body, as they always wanted. Unfortunately this is not the case! Most, if not all of these products completely, will make little or nothing to settle your stomach, and because they can not eliminate the layer of hall, which covers your abs.
To be successful in losing waist, you must possess a basic understanding of how the abdominal muscles work and how your body burns fat. The first thing you need to understand the difference between muscle and fat. Fat calories are entered via a surplus of food, which keeps the body through the aqueous muscle tissue. Muscles, on the other hand, consist of fibers, which contract to produce movement. Fat can not turn into muscle, and also any muscle can not turn into fat! However, what happens is most to lose muscle mass, and fat .Gain six pack abs fast
So if your goal is to narrow the waist and have a nice and flat stomach, the first thing you have to do is to reduce, or eliminate completely hidden layers of fat that your abs. We all have a flat stomach, the only problem is some covered with excess fat.
The most effective way to settle the stomach is a combination of training with the load (with a focus on the central part of the body), cardiovascular exercise (short, hard training) and stabilization of blood sugar (keeps you from adding new layers of fat and makes your body to use existing fat as fuel ).abs get pack six.
People spend millions, if not billions of euros every year in search of a flat stomach. Currently there are over 200 different devices for exercise, with a very sound names, promising abs rock in less than 8 minutes a day.
The man would have thought that with the existence of all these amazing products most people walk around showing a beautiful and slim middle part of the body, as they always wanted. Unfortunately this is not the case! Most, if not all of these products completely, will make little or nothing to settle your stomach, and because they can not eliminate the layer of hall, which covers your abs.
To be successful in losing waist, you must possess a basic understanding of how the abdominal muscles work and how your body burns fat. The first thing you need to understand the difference between muscle and fat. Fat calories are entered via a surplus of food, which keeps the body through the aqueous muscle tissue. Muscles, on the other hand, consist of fibers, which contract to produce movement. Fat can not turn into muscle, and also any muscle can not turn into fat! However, what happens is most to lose muscle mass, and fat .Gain six pack abs fast
So if your goal is to narrow the waist and have a nice and flat stomach, the first thing you have to do is to reduce, or eliminate completely hidden layers of fat that your abs. We all have a flat stomach, the only problem is some covered with excess fat.
The most effective way to settle the stomach is a combination of training with the load (with a focus on the central part of the body), cardiovascular exercise (short, hard training) and stabilization of blood sugar (keeps you from adding new layers of fat and makes your body to use existing fat as fuel ).abs get pack six.
What should also mention that, flat stomach not only looks good, but also prevents muscle imbalance between the hips and abdomen as in more than 80% of cases cause pain in the lower part of the ice! So remember, strong Sit mean and strong and healthy ice!
1. You must do some kind of progressive training with burdening
The primary function of the abdominal muscle is to bend your torso forward. But there is also the central part of muscle, which folded torso to the side and muscles that rotate it. Frequently vidam hundreds of people working on their abs machines from calf Sopa, however if you really want to effectively strengthen your stomach muscles in the exercise program should include the following types of exercises:
• 1-2 exercises with troops bending forward (reverse sit-up, raising the knees, a classic sit-up, etc.).
• 1-2 exercises with foreign troops in bending (side bend, side abs, etc.).
• 1-2 with rotation exercises (trunk rotations, standing trunk rotation, etc.).
Select at least 1-2 exercises that shots lower abs, 1-2 for oblikuse (retracts abs) and 1-2 for the upper abdominal muscles. There are so many various exercises, some of which you can find on our site, and mention only some of which I think are better than others.
Gain six pack abs fast super exercises for tight abs:
• reverse sit-up
• raising the legs from the base or Visa
• drop foot
• side bend
• classic sit-up
• Sit on the ball
And again I repeat, there is indeed a possibility of choice, but make sure to train them in proper form and progressively increasing load, ie the number of repetitions. Sit the arm as well as any other and should be therefore train three times a week.
2. Use short and intense cardio training in order to speed up metabolism
Cardio training is important, because you want him, if done properly, can accelerate metabolism and in the next 4-24 hours after training! This means that it is less likely that you will store excess calories as body fat, but they will soon be used by your fast metabolism. And besides, you probably downloaded some of the existing fat.
The following example of interval training, you can follow during any aerobic activity (walking, cycling, swimming, climbing stairs, etc.)..
Preheat the slow pace for a period of 2-5 minutes. Perform 30 seconds of the selected activity near maximum pace, and then a moderate 1 minute (recovery time and capturing the breath). This process is an interval, which will be repeated 6-10 times. Training finished cooling easy pace 2-5 minutes.
3. Rising blood sugar is key to success
Most importantly, you must stabilize blood sugar! This is the most important factor in the melting of excess fat, as well as maintaining slim lines. To stabilize the value of sugar in the blood must feed your body frequently, preferably every 2 to 3 hours. The key to success lies in how to provide your body just what he needed at the moment. Your body burns calories 24 hours a day, so there really is no reason to eat only once or twice a day. Give your body the fuel it needs: vegetables, fruit, nuts, biscuits and integral sources of lean protein (chicken, fish, lean beef, eggs, etc.).
Many people are too preoccupied with fat contained in food, or how much fat is a good choice. Calories are calories and is not important where it comes from. If you enter them, too ... where the end? Yes, you guessed it ... accumulated around the waist, as well as body fat.
Not to be confused, I do not say that it does not matter what you eat, but on the contrary, however this is not the primary and most important when it comes to losing body fat. Try to make healthy and smart choices, whenever possible, but do not feel so guilty if from time to time drop to Mecca, or eat a piece of cake, because it does not necessarily mean that it immediately, and deposit into fat.
4. Get help professionals
Unfortunately, most people do not have enough knowledge about the human body, nutrition, or effective means of exercise to achieve their health and fitness goals. Ask yourself one question: "Am I satisfied with their current status or progress?" If not, you should consider obtaining professional assistance by qualified fitness professionals. Do not rely exclusively on any information that you get from magazines or the local fitness club. Qualified fitness professionals can help you achieve your goals in less time than you think.
If you are serious about your health and fitness goals, and if you are willing to flat stomach, we recommend that you begin implementing the 4 strategies listed in the article. These 4 strategies can help you control your metabolism and burn excess body fat, and to feel and look great!
1. You must do some kind of progressive training with burdening
The primary function of the abdominal muscle is to bend your torso forward. But there is also the central part of muscle, which folded torso to the side and muscles that rotate it. Frequently vidam hundreds of people working on their abs machines from calf Sopa, however if you really want to effectively strengthen your stomach muscles in the exercise program should include the following types of exercises:
• 1-2 exercises with troops bending forward (reverse sit-up, raising the knees, a classic sit-up, etc.).
• 1-2 exercises with foreign troops in bending (side bend, side abs, etc.).
• 1-2 with rotation exercises (trunk rotations, standing trunk rotation, etc.).
Select at least 1-2 exercises that shots lower abs, 1-2 for oblikuse (retracts abs) and 1-2 for the upper abdominal muscles. There are so many various exercises, some of which you can find on our site, and mention only some of which I think are better than others.
Gain six pack abs fast super exercises for tight abs:
• reverse sit-up
• raising the legs from the base or Visa
• drop foot
• side bend
• classic sit-up
• Sit on the ball
And again I repeat, there is indeed a possibility of choice, but make sure to train them in proper form and progressively increasing load, ie the number of repetitions. Sit the arm as well as any other and should be therefore train three times a week.
2. Use short and intense cardio training in order to speed up metabolism
Cardio training is important, because you want him, if done properly, can accelerate metabolism and in the next 4-24 hours after training! This means that it is less likely that you will store excess calories as body fat, but they will soon be used by your fast metabolism. And besides, you probably downloaded some of the existing fat.
The following example of interval training, you can follow during any aerobic activity (walking, cycling, swimming, climbing stairs, etc.)..
Preheat the slow pace for a period of 2-5 minutes. Perform 30 seconds of the selected activity near maximum pace, and then a moderate 1 minute (recovery time and capturing the breath). This process is an interval, which will be repeated 6-10 times. Training finished cooling easy pace 2-5 minutes.
3. Rising blood sugar is key to success
Most importantly, you must stabilize blood sugar! This is the most important factor in the melting of excess fat, as well as maintaining slim lines. To stabilize the value of sugar in the blood must feed your body frequently, preferably every 2 to 3 hours. The key to success lies in how to provide your body just what he needed at the moment. Your body burns calories 24 hours a day, so there really is no reason to eat only once or twice a day. Give your body the fuel it needs: vegetables, fruit, nuts, biscuits and integral sources of lean protein (chicken, fish, lean beef, eggs, etc.).
Many people are too preoccupied with fat contained in food, or how much fat is a good choice. Calories are calories and is not important where it comes from. If you enter them, too ... where the end? Yes, you guessed it ... accumulated around the waist, as well as body fat.
Not to be confused, I do not say that it does not matter what you eat, but on the contrary, however this is not the primary and most important when it comes to losing body fat. Try to make healthy and smart choices, whenever possible, but do not feel so guilty if from time to time drop to Mecca, or eat a piece of cake, because it does not necessarily mean that it immediately, and deposit into fat.
4. Get help professionals
Unfortunately, most people do not have enough knowledge about the human body, nutrition, or effective means of exercise to achieve their health and fitness goals. Ask yourself one question: "Am I satisfied with their current status or progress?" If not, you should consider obtaining professional assistance by qualified fitness professionals. Do not rely exclusively on any information that you get from magazines or the local fitness club. Qualified fitness professionals can help you achieve your goals in less time than you think.
If you are serious about your health and fitness goals, and if you are willing to flat stomach, we recommend that you begin implementing the 4 strategies listed in the article. These 4 strategies can help you control your metabolism and burn excess body fat, and to feel and look great!
What is better for losing weight - gym or aerobic training?
If it is about maintaining fitness, this means that it already exists. If we look at fitness as a solid achievement trained endurance, then it can be characterized as a situation where we are. To make progress, it is necessary to change the parameters of exercise, and nutrition to abs get pack six.There is the happiness and the other option: train with weight training load and spend only 350 calories. That day when the train you use (for example, as above) 1500 calories for basal metabolism, plus 350 calories spent = total calories in 1850. And now you probably think that the room is better downloading it from the first variant of cardio training. However, it is!
Why? Therefore, as muscle stimulation, which is achieved with weight training opterecenmjem, runs the white muscle fibers. They are active in the event that exercise with weights or machines to strengthen muscles. A consequence is that even in idle mode YOUR muscle cells use more calories. So, if this practice, accelerate YOU NOT ONLY CURRENT METABOLISM (while exercising), but ONE Basic (over 24 hours a day)!
Gain six pack abs fast.
In short, if you workout at the gym, you have more chances to be muscular or izdefinisani. If you practice only cardio training (this can be open and running), your muscles will not be enough izdefinisani and will keep stricter diet. Of course, the diet should hold if the practice with weight load, especially in the beginning. However, when your metabolism is speeding up, then you can eat more, and you will not debljati. EXAMPLE: bodybuilders eat as Mecava, and not as thick as much to eat.
To have success in removing the room, will help you L-Carnitine. Those who do not train and eat, enter 180 mg L-Carnitine. This optimum amount is 250 g in 500 g of beef or pork. If a meal of sheep meat, then would need only a third of the quantity as opposed to beef or pork. Vegetarians would be for the same value of L-canitina had entered the body 6 liters of milk or 60 kg of bread. It is scientifically proven to enter the body 2 g L-Carnitine gives good results in the regulation of body weight. L-Carnitine is a substance similar to vitamins and is non-toxic. If you enter more, the body will excrete I waste. Thus, L-Carnitine works great with the weight and fits into any child, and so increases their performance. Also a positive effect on the increase of energy, because the enlarged fat exchange, it protects Depoe carbohydrates. What is, in fact, L-Carnitine? This amino acid that is often lacking in the body. For optimal synthesis of L-Carnitine is required that the body is supplied with: lysine, methionine, vitamin C, B3, B6 vitamins and iron. If all that the body has enough, and if not oskudevate L-Carnitine, the body will easily unbuild dugolancane fatty acids in the mitochondria of cells, and this is where burn calories. So, burning calories is going uj muscle cells. These furnaces, where> burns surplus room <. If you have trained with weight load, then it will speed up this process.
If you practice 3 times a week with weights and machines, just once a week to perform cardio training or completely separate from the regular training or to work after training in the gym. Cardio training is effective, if you take at least 35 minutes and if it is intense.
Why? Therefore, as muscle stimulation, which is achieved with weight training opterecenmjem, runs the white muscle fibers. They are active in the event that exercise with weights or machines to strengthen muscles. A consequence is that even in idle mode YOUR muscle cells use more calories. So, if this practice, accelerate YOU NOT ONLY CURRENT METABOLISM (while exercising), but ONE Basic (over 24 hours a day)!
Gain six pack abs fast.
In short, if you workout at the gym, you have more chances to be muscular or izdefinisani. If you practice only cardio training (this can be open and running), your muscles will not be enough izdefinisani and will keep stricter diet. Of course, the diet should hold if the practice with weight load, especially in the beginning. However, when your metabolism is speeding up, then you can eat more, and you will not debljati. EXAMPLE: bodybuilders eat as Mecava, and not as thick as much to eat.
To have success in removing the room, will help you L-Carnitine. Those who do not train and eat, enter 180 mg L-Carnitine. This optimum amount is 250 g in 500 g of beef or pork. If a meal of sheep meat, then would need only a third of the quantity as opposed to beef or pork. Vegetarians would be for the same value of L-canitina had entered the body 6 liters of milk or 60 kg of bread. It is scientifically proven to enter the body 2 g L-Carnitine gives good results in the regulation of body weight. L-Carnitine is a substance similar to vitamins and is non-toxic. If you enter more, the body will excrete I waste. Thus, L-Carnitine works great with the weight and fits into any child, and so increases their performance. Also a positive effect on the increase of energy, because the enlarged fat exchange, it protects Depoe carbohydrates. What is, in fact, L-Carnitine? This amino acid that is often lacking in the body. For optimal synthesis of L-Carnitine is required that the body is supplied with: lysine, methionine, vitamin C, B3, B6 vitamins and iron. If all that the body has enough, and if not oskudevate L-Carnitine, the body will easily unbuild dugolancane fatty acids in the mitochondria of cells, and this is where burn calories. So, burning calories is going uj muscle cells. These furnaces, where> burns surplus room <. If you have trained with weight load, then it will speed up this process.
If you practice 3 times a week with weights and machines, just once a week to perform cardio training or completely separate from the regular training or to work after training in the gym. Cardio training is effective, if you take at least 35 minutes and if it is intense.
Perfect Six Pack Abs the Easy Way
There is a desire from many men and women to have gain six pack abs fast A reason for this is because incorrect information gets spread and it becomes known as a fact. Much of the recommendations on building a toned stomach suggest doing sit ups every day and this will get the body you desire. Unfortunately if you have belly fat around your abdomen then any muscle development will be hidden away beneath it.
Diet is an absolute essential part of getting a flat and toned stomach and may be easier than you think. You may have to change some of your typical dietary intake but if you are willing to do this you are in prime position for having a positive impact. A great way to begin is by changing the times you consume your meals each day. Traditionally most people eat three main meals which take place at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Doing this makes you extremely likely to snack in between though which increases calories.
And your body is not as effective when you have occasional big meals. It is actually better if you have more meals of a smaller size and space them out are intervals throughout the day. This may sound difficult but when you get into the routine it is not a problem and will leave you much less likely to want to snack in between.
As for the food you should be eating well it is say to say you will do much better if you cut down on any snack foods such as chocolate, chips and other junk food and eat lean chicken, vegetables and fruit. This will get you started but the point to take away is that balanced eating is vital.
You will have to do some fitness work though and be willing to make an effort with it. Although it might not be as great as you think. it is often thought that you need to do hundreds of crunches to get a six pack but you can build muscle by doing fewer reps but with some resistance. It is advised that if you have not trained recently then do not train too hard at first to avoid injury. And also make sure to change up the exercises to target all areas of your abdominal muscles.
Gain Six Pack Abs Fast
Many exercise nuts want to know why they are not abs get pack six.Two types of exercise are essential that one can do to burn fat from your tummy. First is high intensity cardio exercise which is to be done again and again for 20 to 25 minutes. This workout is a must as compared to low intensity cardio exercises and it keeps on burning your fat for few days. Some of the popular examples that must be included in this category are running, jogging, wind sprints, jumping rope, and aerobic exercises. The second group of exercise is weight training and is a bit difficult as compared to the first one and many people just leave this out thinking that it will make them bulk up. But they are totally wrong because lifting weights increases the body's resting metabolism, because muscles burn your body fats even if you are sleeping.
One making a plan to gain six pack abs should highly concentrate on your diet. Eating low fat and balanced diet is very essential to burn fats and make your body cuts clear. If you are eating five larger meals, you should switch to 3 small meals a day and make sure that these meals are not full of fats i.e. pizza. Your diet should be based upon lean proteins and high fiber foods such as whole wheat, white meat, fruits, juices and vegetables.
There are numerous foods that one should cut away from his diet to gain clear ripped abs such as white rice, pasta and alcohol. These types of foods directly convert into body fat and are prohibited if you wait a lean body. You can eat oatmeal, black pepper and almonds to burn your fat more rapidly.
The last and the most important step is to perform abdominal exercises on a daily basis. Be sure to work on your lower and upper abs instead of just working on any one of them. According to researchers cycling is a great exercise to burn fats. To do cycling lie on your back and raise your legs up to 40 degrees and move your legs in such a way as if you are cycling. This exercise is one of the proven workouts to gain instant results and it works for everyone. Additionally do some more exercises like twisting your body to get oblique muscles, leg race to get rid of your belly fat, sit ups and side bends.
One making a plan to gain six pack abs should highly concentrate on your diet. Eating low fat and balanced diet is very essential to burn fats and make your body cuts clear. If you are eating five larger meals, you should switch to 3 small meals a day and make sure that these meals are not full of fats i.e. pizza. Your diet should be based upon lean proteins and high fiber foods such as whole wheat, white meat, fruits, juices and vegetables.
There are numerous foods that one should cut away from his diet to gain clear ripped abs such as white rice, pasta and alcohol. These types of foods directly convert into body fat and are prohibited if you wait a lean body. You can eat oatmeal, black pepper and almonds to burn your fat more rapidly.
The last and the most important step is to perform abdominal exercises on a daily basis. Be sure to work on your lower and upper abs instead of just working on any one of them. According to researchers cycling is a great exercise to burn fats. To do cycling lie on your back and raise your legs up to 40 degrees and move your legs in such a way as if you are cycling. This exercise is one of the proven workouts to gain instant results and it works for everyone. Additionally do some more exercises like twisting your body to get oblique muscles, leg race to get rid of your belly fat, sit ups and side bends.
Fit to fight..Rich Seymour's fighting fit!

Strength the foundation of nearly all physique and performance goals. When you're strong, you more easily gain muscle size, lose fat, run faster, hit harder and play longer.
1.) Own the "big four."
The squat, deadlift, bench press, and shoulder press are the best strength-building exercises, period. The chinup and row are great moves too, but don't make them the focus of your workout — they can be assistance lifts to complement the bench and shoulder press, keeping your pulling muscles in balance with the pressing ones.
2.) Use barbells first.
Forget all the fad equipment. The barbell is king, the dumbbell is queen, and everything else is a court jester — it may have its place, but it's not essential. Start your workouts with barbell exercises, such as the "big four," as described above. Barbells let you load a lot of weight, and lifting heavy is the first step toward getting stronger. Once your heaviest strength exercises are out of the way, you can move on to dumbbell and body-weight training.
3.) Keep it simple.
Some trainers make their clients lift with a certain rep speed, like three seconds up, one second down. But know this: There's no need to count anything but reps during a set. Simply focus on raising and lowering your weights in a controlled manner, pausing for a one-second count at the top of the lift. Using an arbitrary tempo can lessen tension on your muscles or force you to use varying amounts of weight, slowing your progress. The only way to be sure you're getting stronger is if your loads consistently increase.
4.) Maintain a log.
Write down your exercises, sets, reps, and the fate of each workout. Keep track of your best lifts and the most reps you've done with a certain weight on an exercise. Constantly strive to improve those numbers.
5.) Don't overdo it.
Try to stick to three or four lifts per workout. Keeping your workouts short helps you take advantage of hormonal surges. When you do too many exercises in a session, at least some of them get done half-assed. All you need is one main lift per workout (one of the big four), one or two assistance lifts (for keeping the body in balance and further strengthening the muscles that perform the main lift), and then core or specialty work at the end (ab exercises or some forearm or calf moves, depending on your goals). Doing any more lessens your results.
6.) Think five.
You should rotate many different rep ranges in your workouts, but sets of five seem to offer the best blend of muscle size and strength gains. If you're pushing through one of the big four moves, you'll find that your form often breaks down after five anyway.
7.) Add weights slowly.
The main reason people plateau and stop gaining strength is that they go too heavy for too long. Abandon your ego and do your main lifts using 10% less than the most weight you can lift for the given rep range. Increase the weight each session — but by no more than 10 pounds — and stick with the same lifts. You'll rarely plateau again.
8.) Take to the hills.
Cardio is a must if you want to be lean and healthy, but long-distance running or cycling increases levels of hormones that break down muscle tissue. To get stronger while getting leaner, do cardio in short, intense bursts. Go to a moderately steep hill and sprint to the top, then walk back down. When you're ready, sprint again. In your first workout, do only half as many sprints as you think you could. In your next workout, do two more sprints than you did the first time. Continue adding two sprints to your workouts until you can't improve anymore. Then do sets of sprints.
9.) Balance your training.
Whatever you do for one side of the body, you must do for the other side. Follow that rule in your workouts and you should be able to avoid injury and muscle imbalances. If you're doing squats (mainly a quad exercise), also do Romanian deadlifts (which hit the hamstrings hard). Your chest exercises should be balanced with back-training lifts. You don't necessarily have to do your balance work in the same session, but it should be done in the same week. In general, follow a ratio of two-to-one between your pulling-and-pushing movements. So if you bench-press on Monday (and most of the world seems to), you can do chinups on Tuesday and bent-over lateral raises on Thursday, for example. Every other pressing exercise you do should follow this formula.
10.) Do it right. Form is key.
You may think you know how to perform the big four, but you could probably get more out of them. Here are some quick pointers for each one.
Squat: Begin the squat by pushing your hips back as far as you can. Keep your lower back arched and you should feel a stretch in your hamstrings. When your hips are bent, begin bending your knees and squatting low. This is what you need to squat maximal weight.
Deadlift: Use the same stance you would to perform a jump — your legs should be narrowly placed. When you bend down to grab the bar, keep your hips down and your back straight, with your shoulders directly over your knees.
Bench Press: Start with your head off the bench. Keeping your feet steady, grab the bar and pull your body up off the bench and forward, so that when your butt comes down on the bench your lower back is very arched. Squeeze your shoulder blades together. Your range of motion should be significantly shorter for stronger pressing.
Shoulder press: Flare your lats when the bar is at shoulder level. It will allow you to use more weight.
Women boxing for fitness, combined with strength training exercises

Although boxers historically eschewed specific strength training believing that it would slow their technique, today's boxers are more open minded to the potential benefits of a strength-training program. Like their male counterparts, female boxers could achieve substantial gains in punching power and muscular endurance by following a strength-training regime.
Perform and master squats for a good free weight strength builder for the lower body. Squats increase the overall lasting power and strength of the legs, abs, hips, glutes and lower back--all important areas for a boxer. Hold a pair of dumbbells against your chest or a barbell across your upper back. Work your way through a full range of motion and do not cut the exercise short by stopping your descent too early. Sit onto a bench or box about knee height to help serve as a depth target for beginners. Stand with your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your feet facing forward or pointed out slightly. Bend at the hips and knees, sitting back as though you are descending into a chair. Stop when your thighs are parallel to the floor and reverse the motion, using the strength of your lower body and core to push the weight back to the starting position. Choose a conservative weight to begin, performing three or four sets of eight to 10 reps, increasing the weight as your leg-strength increases.
Bench Press
Perform bench pressing to increase the strength of the pressing muscles of your upper body--the triceps, shoulders, and chest. These are all important muscle groups for throwing fast, effective punches, making the bench press a staple exercise for training boxers. Perform bench presses using dumbbells to allow for a more free range of motion, allowing more accurate replication of the path that a punch would take. Lie on a bench with your head back and the weights lowered to your chest. Initiate the movement by pressing both dumbbells up at the same time, keeping your elbows tucked in as though you were throwing a jab. Continue pressing until the weight is fully locked out, lowering the weight to your chest again slowly and under control. Repeat for three sets of eight to 12 reps, increasing the weight of the dumbbells as your muscles gain in strength.
Overhead Press
Perform dumbbell overhead presses to further increase the strength and endurance of your shoulders. Grab a pair of dumbbells and hold them in both hands against your chest. Initiate the movement by pressing them both overhead simultaneously and explosively, allowing the sides of the dumbbells to touch together as your elbows lock out. Take one to two full seconds to lower the weight slowly back to your chest under complete control. Repeat this exercise for two to three sets of eight to 10 reps, increasing the weight of the dumbbells as your muscles become stronger.
Boxing Workout Programs

boxing may at times look easy when watching from the comfort of your living room, however the basics of the sport require a great deal of mental skill and strategy and of course a tremendous amount of physical training. A boxing workout is long, tiring and made of many types of exercise.
Understanding the Sport
To understand why a boxing workout is so involved, it helps to understand the basics of the sport. Televised professional boxing puts a lot of emphasis on knockouts and injuries--they make for good television after all. But amateur and Olympic boxing puts its emphasis on landing good touches while keeping your opponent from touching you.
A touch happens when your glove makes contact with your opponent. You can touch them on the head, face, body and arms, but nothing below the belt. In order to get your gloves near their body, you must be fast, have great endurance, decent flexibility and strength.
Warming Up
Shadow Boxing: Facing a mirror so that you can check your form, practice each of the moves you would use in the ring. Start with a simple combination and work your way up to something more complicated.
For example, start with a simple 1-2-3-4 combination (jab, cross, hook, uppercut) and work up to a more complicated combination of moves. The objective here is to check form and keep your heart rate up.
Jump Rope: Jump roping keeps the heart rate up, strengthens arms and legs, and teaches quick footwork. Try jump roping for 3 minutes at a time, then resting for a minute--the same pattern of time you would be boxing in a ring.
As you jump rope, switch up the way you are jumping. Try jumping with your feet moving in a shuffle pattern, crossing your arms as you jump or double jumping--making the rope move twice under your feet before your feet hit the ground again.
Strength Moves
Building muscle serves two purposes in boxing. It helps you land stronger, faster punches and helps protect you when you get hit.
Pushups and crunches are the best basic moves for boxers to practice. These moves train the areas where you will be getting hit and require no additional equipment. Try these variations to add even more power to your workout.
Pushup Variations
Standard pushups - Legs are straight out behind you while hands are under your shoulders.
Diamonds - Legs are in a V-shape you. Hands are together with the forefingers and thumbs touching to make a diamond shape under your chest.
Wide grips - Legs are straight out behind you. Hands are set farther away from your body so that your body makes a "y" shape.
Knuckles - Legs are straight out behind you. Hands are in fists under your shoulders.
Fingertips - Legs are straight out behind you. Hands are in the standard pushup position, however you will balance yourself on your fingertips.
Crunch Variations
Basic crunch - Hands are behind the head. Feet are flat on the floor so that the knees are bent at a 45-degree angle.
Obliques 1 - Hands are behind the head. One foot is flat on the floor so that the knee is bent at a 45-degree angle. The other foot rests on the opposite knee. Repeat on each side.
Obliques 2 - Hands are behind the head. Legs lay to one side, resting on top of each other. Repeat for each side.
Rope climb - Hands are straight out from the chest at a right angle from the body. Legs are extended up at right angle from the body. As you crunch, move your arms as though you are climbing a rope.
Mitt and Bag Work
After your body is well warmed up, it is time to actually hit something.
Speed Bag - Use the speed bag to practice precise movements. You do not need to hit the speed bag very hard. Instead, you should focus on hitting it accurately--making it swing the same amount after each hit and being able to hit it again when it swings back.
Heavy Bag - Use the heavy bag to practice all the punches and to add strength to your punches. You can practice each of the four punches on the bag, now concentrating on landing each punch with power.
Mitt Work - Use a partner wearing mitts to practice hitting a moving target. This will also show you why cardio training is so important because you will have to control your breathing as well as your punches.
Make sure that your partner moves around as they hold the mitts that you are working to hit. Like the shadow boxing warm up, start with a simple combination and work up to something more complicated.
Happy Holidays!

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The Great Fitness Experiment Talent Show
When the great (and Jewish) MizFit took it upon herself to organize a Christmas Eve FitBlogger Talent Show I was overcome with joy. Everyone has a special talent, right? And mine is wearing crazy socks. On a really good day I manage to match the crazy socks to my outfit! It's a gift, I know. Anyhow, it is a Great Fitness Experiment tradition that I gift all my Gym Buddies with crazy socks for Christmas. So today our Great Fitness Talent is... handstands with matching socks! Sadly our photographer (a poor random person we pulled out of a basketball game) couldn't quite get my lame-o camera to focus so let me introduce you to the girls un-blurrified:
As I will be taking a blog break from Christmas Day through New Year's (12/25 - 1/1), I'd like to give a huge shout out to all the Gym Buddies not pictured who have popped in for an Experiment this year, our fabulous group fit instructors (hey-o Turbo Jennie!), the patient & caring child care staff and all the great, fun, interesting folks who make working out our Y so fun. And a huge hug and thank you to all my readers: you are what makes doing this blog fun and I can't tell you how often an e-mail from one of you has come at the exact moment I needed a lift or a giggle or even just a good funny picture. Merry Christmas to all of you and I'll see you in the New Year! (I've already got 3 Great Experiments coming your way!)
What's your special/freaky/so-cool-it-makes-people-talk-about-you-behind-your-back talent?? To check out more great FitBlogger talents, see MizFit's Virtual Gallery (and even submit your own!)
PS> The winner of the Ivee Style clothing giveaway is Katie M! Drop me an e-mail and I'll get you in touch with them.
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