Every holiday season, I hear clients of mine vow the same thing, "I will NOT gain weight this year." Yet another holiday season passes and statistics show that on average, women (more so then men) gain an average of 4 lbs in the two weeks between Christmas and New Years. That doesn't even take into account Turkey Day!! No matter how much we "vow" to not gain weight, it seems the holidays often get the best of us. I say it day in and day out to my clients, but I'll say it again- YOU NEED TO PLAN. Not having a plan is a surefire way to failure. Don't just talk the talk when it comes to the holidays, walk the walk! The following are 15 of my healthy holiday tips to help keep you ON TRACK and PLANNED this holiday season!
1. Never arrive to a holiday, or holiday party hungry. NEVER. Before a big party I eat all of my planned meals for the day, just as I would on any normal day. This helps to keep me from overconsuming at the event. Many people make the mistake of starving themselves during the day to make room for the big meal, and this is a surefire way for weight gain. Another tip of mine? Drink a protein shake RIGHT before you walk in! I take one scoop of my Jay Robb protein powder in a blender bottle with water and chug it immeidately before I walk through the door. The protein helps to fill me up and prevent me from making split second poor food choices!
2. Enjoy some java and tea! Hot beverages help to keep you full, longer. Sipping on some flavored coffee or some freshly brewed hot tea also keeps your hands and mouth busy when you mingle. If I get sweet cravings at night I opt for a cup of decaf flavored coffee with some sugar free creamer. If I'm really hungry I'll add a scoop of chocolate protein powder to the hot coffee in a blender and make it a midnight mocha snack!
3. Be picky about the foods you indulge in. It IS the holidays, and I understand certain foods surface during the holiday season that you may not have the chance to eat any other time of the year. For example, my mom makes these insanely delicious mini pecan cookies around Christmas that she does not make during the rest of the year, so I choose to eat one or two of those, as opposed to all the other calorie laden foods at my family's house for the holidays. Skip the junk that you see day to day throughout the year and instead hone in on the one or two treats you absolutely LOVE that you cannot have any other occasion!
4. BE PLANNED! I cannot say this enough. Do not head to a holiday get together or a holiday meal without a plan. If you're headed to a buffet plan to load your plate 3/4 of the way full of fresh fruits and veggies from the veggie platter. The other 1/4 of the plate can be for sinful delights.I also recommend you bring a bottle of water and drink plenty of water to keep full. Sick of plain water? Add in some flavored Stevia packets ( I love Stevita drink sticks, I carry them in my purse!) or some lemon or lime slices for a light citrus flavor. When your body is thirsty it'll trigger false hunger signals because food contains a lot of water. Drink lots of water or hot tea to keep your hands busy and your mouth and belly full at parties! 5. Bring healthy food with you. Now I'm not saying you need to walk into a party with a cooler in tow (although if you wanted to hats off!) but stash your purse full of some healthy munchies. I recommend carrot sticks, celery sticks, rice cakes, 100 calorie snack packs of raw unsalted almonds, and maybe an apple or some fruit. Don't get caught in a sticky situation with nothing to eat but the garbage in front of you. Keeping "grab and go" snacks with you in your purse can help you out in a pinch if munchies get the best of you!
6. Workout on the day of the party! I mean it- I always feel better, internally and externally, if I'm exercising. I'm a firm believer that exercise and nutrition play off of each other. By this I mean they help balance each other out- eating better propels you to exercise, and exercising propels you to make better choices nutritionally. If you physically feel great, healthy, and energized, you're not going to want to load your body down with crap, and mentally you won't want to ruin the amazing workout you just had by eating the wrong things.
7. PLAN AHEAD! If the gym you typically go to has reduced hours or is closed, or if the weather is keeping you from getting to your daily facility, then you need to have a backup plan. Invest in some workout DVDs, some exercise bands, or some light dumbbell weights so you have "at home" options in case. I keep my P90X DVDs on hand along with my doorframe pull up bars and my exercise bands so if I'm stuck at home I can still get a solid workout in! Don't make excuses, make results- be sure to plan ahead for less then optimal circumstances!
8. Sign up for a holiday run or run/walk! Locally, there's always a huge holiday fundraiser in the park for the local Humane chapter- in which owners run/walk with their dogs. I sign up every year because not only does the money go to a good cause but I also get the exercise from running or walking the 5k with my pooch!
9. If you're crunched for time with holiday shopping and party planning, up the amp on your workouts by intensifying your training. Incorporate supersets into your training to cut down on your gym time or throw plyos into your weight training to increase the cardio burn! Use your rest periods between sets actively by doing jump squats, pop squats, box jumps, or crunches to keep your heart rate up and increase your calorie/fat burn. Circuit style training not only cuts down on time but it keeps you moving which increases your body's fat burn. Don't skimp on the gym because of a time shortage, rather adjust your workouts accordingly so you have time to both train well AND shop well!
10. Look for oppurtunities to squeak in extra exercise! Park far away from the mall entrance, and walk briskly to and from the stores to get the heart rate up. Walk your dogs, go for a walk with your husband or significant other, enjoy a holiday post meal walk with friends or family. Going bar hopping? Park far away from the bars and bring a coat! Take advantage of every oppurtunity presented to burn some excess calories off!
11. Volunteer! I don't mean at the homeless shelter (although that's amazing too!!) but I mean to help out with the holiday meals! Take some initiative and offer to make a dish or a dessert for the big dinner. I ALWAYS offer to help my mom out by bringing a dish or a dessert. I opt to make low calorie, low sugar, or low fat versions of holiday favorites to cut calories. I include fruit in my desserts if possible and stay away from unhealthy, high fat, high sugar ingredients. That way I know there's at least one dish at the dinner that won't KILL my waistline!
12. Avoid the downward spiral- this is a good tip year round, but especially during the holidays when temptation lurks around every corner. If you mess up one day, or eat something junky for one meal, do not allow that one single step back to become an entire downward fall. Get back on track ASAP. Plan your next healthy meal and begin to make better decisions IMMEDIATELY. Chances are one slip here or there will not kill your fitness goals, what WILL kill them dead in your tracks is the continual over-eating or the continuous binge that can occur when people begin to let themselves slide.
13. It's in-evitable, people are going to be pushing food at you from all angles this holiday season. Be prepared, and plan ahead for what you're going to say when this happens. I know I sometimes just say that I'm full, and I'll take some food to go. Then, when I find the nearest trash can- in goes the food. Don't feel pressured, just feel PREPARED to politely decline food. Your family isn't going to understand why you don't want a second serving of Grandma's calorie laden potato filling, so be prepared with a response when they ask for an explanation!
14. Reward yourself- and not with food! Plan small rewards for yourself during the holiday season. It's important to set marks for yourself and give yourself a well earned pat on the back for adhering to your plan. For every week of scheduled workouts you complete or every week of planned meals you stick to- REWARD YOURSELF! Whether it's with a new winter hat, a manicure, or a cute holiday top- giving yourself small, NON food oriented rewards can help you feel good about what you're doing!
15. PLAN AHEAD. Everyone's schedule gets full around the holidays, so make sure you pencil in "workout" time and "food prep" time when you plan your week. Commit to 3-4 workout sessions a week, even if they're only 30 minutes each, and stick to that schedule. Leave your phone in the car if need be, or plug into your IPod to tune everyone else out, but make sure you get to the gym and get focused. Adjusting your workouts is one thing- cutting them out entirely is another. Careful planning and some clever strategy will ensure you get the job done!