Avoiding Cravings...

We all get cravings. Myself included. How can we not? We're human after all. And I promise you, despite how we eat and how we look, ask any figure or fitness athlete what they'd rather be eating and you'll get a myriad of responses from pasta to pizza to cake to french fries- definitely NOT fish and veggies!

However most cravings are in your head. It's based in the concept of deprivation, which can be applied to any area of your life- that we want what we "can't" have. Your body does not "NEED" a Reese's to perform adequately in the gym, or to fuel itself or to run through all it's human processes. But randomly you may get cravings for something that is nowhere near the constraints of your diet. This is completely normal, because you've taken Reese's out of the equation, now all of a sudden they mean that much more to you.

Many times also, cravings are based in physiology. Your body could be telling you the following;
1) CARB CRAVINGS: If you're dieting like a madwoman and doing more cardio then usual, and seeminly, out of nowhere you begin dreaming about bowls of pasta and endless plates of pizza, perhaps you're dieting a smidge too hard. Your body is saying, "More carbs" in the only way it can- via a craving. This does not mean you should hop off the diet wagon and make a beeline to nearest endless pasta buffet, you may WANT to, but all your body needs are organic whole rolled oats, healthy grains like brown rice and quinoa, and fibrous green veggies like broccoli, asparagus, kale, and bok choy.

2)GOTTA GRAB MEAT: On a macronutrient level, if you're craving meats it could be a potential iron deficiency. I advise checking this out with a doctor before doing anything. Then head to your supermarket of choice and look to add healthy red meats into your diet. Look for organic, grqass fed, with no hormones or additives. Also look for a "low fat marbling" eye of round, a sirloin, or a filet.

3) FUN FAT: Many new clean eaters neglect good fats, operating under the assumption that fat makes you...FAT. Avoiding fats will end up giving you dreams similar to the carb pasta dreams, except yours will involve jars of peanut butter or cartons of ice cream. Incorporating some healthy fats into your diet like raw unsalted almonds, avocado, flax seeds, and olive oil can help calm those cravings AND (here's a bonus) keep you satiated and less snack happy!

4) STAYING ON TRACK: A lot of clean eaters tend to allow themselves a treat here and there so they never feel they are missing out (unless you're competing, of course, in which case strict is the name of the game). Working in cheat meals of no more then 400 calories can keep you sane and on track. Choose foods you don't typically indulge in, or eat up in calories. However, if you don't feel the need to cheat, don't. But studies have shown that "flexible" dieting, meaning dieting with occasional cheats makes for longer success then those who operate on a very strict basis.

5) THE POWER OF VISION: I tell my clients this all the time- VISUALIZE IT! I do this myself- I visualize myself being awarded my pro card on stage while I'm dragging my ass up the stepmill, or pounding away on the track. Envision what it will be like looking in the mirror and seeing the body of your dreams staring back at you. Imagine liking what you see to keep you motivated while the rest of the world is downing garbage. And think, "no thanks I'll pass, I'll take my skinny jeans over a plate of nachos ANY DAY!"

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