ASK AbFitt..."Metabolic Optimizer"?

HI Rich,

Q: I have question about Champion Nutrition's Metabolol II.
They call it a Metabolic Optimizer.

I use it as a recovery after long runs (plus 10 miles) or a hard work out.
I will say that it does make a difference in how I feel afterwords, even to the point where my wife will tell me to take it. (I can't be grouchy can I?)
Anyhow I wanted to get your thoughts on that product.
Thanks Rich,

A: Joe,

Never having used this product I can't give you my opinion on its effectiveness however after reviewing the products ingredients it seems to have a good ratio of protein & carbs as well as all the essential vitamins to help support recovery after intense exercise.

Regardless of what products we choose to use the key is to get protien & carbs into your body ASAP after training, followed by a meal 1 to 1 1/2 hr after that.

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