My Book Cover is Here! (And It's Funny!)

I'm not just excited, I'm Richard-Simmons excited!!

Great news: I just found out (thanks to several of you astute readers!) that my book is available for pre-order on Amazon! Woohoooo! I can't even tell you how amazing it feels to write that sentence. This process has taken nearly two years but it's finally happening. And seeing the cover, up there, with all those other real books and real authors made it feel really real. (Ok, so part of me still won't believe it until I'm holding it in my sweaty little hands but I'm visceral like that).

Wanna see it? Click here to check me out in all my nerd glory (you can take the girl out of the lab but you can't get her out of the beaker...) and while you're there you can also pre-order The Great Fitness Experiment: One Year of Trying Everything!

What you get:
If you order right now you get a free shamwow juicer ab roller with every book! Kidding. But you do get it for $10.08. If you wait to buy it until it comes out (pub date is still Dec. 1st from what I understand) then the price will go back up to $14.98. So save 5$ and pre-order now!

In the book I break down all the Experiments I did for the first year of writing this blog. While they are the same Experiments you already read about (if you've been with me that long and boy howdy do I love you for sticking around! Remember when my blog was all black with white text and I was an awkward Goth with orange hair??) but in the book I detail the theory behind each workout, the workout itself, what shenanigans ensued in the gym and all the crazy going on out of the gym along with my conclusions.

Bonus: I include either a highlight (hilarious story that never made it into a blog post) or lowlight (hilarious and embarrassing story that never made it into a blog post) of every Experiment, including the absolute lowest moment of my exercise addiction. And no, I never wrote about it on here because I was too ashamed of it at the time.

In between each Experiment are personal essays excerpted from this blog that favorites of mine.

To all of you who have cheered me on each step of the way, I cannot tell you how much that has meant to me. To all of you have already pre-ordered my book (Hi, mom!) I am amazed and unbelievably grateful. My only goal in this is to sell enough copies that they give me the privilege of writing another book so thank you for helping my dream come true. I could not do it without you guys!!! (Or my exclamation key!!!!!)

PS> For those of you wondering what I'm reading these days: Just finished both of Sloane Crosleys books of essays - thanks to those of you who recommended her to me, she's amazing and I totally recommend her! I also recommend Shanghai Girls (fiction) and On Hitler's Mountain (non-fic). I'm currently in the middle of Gary Taubes' Good Calories, Bad Calories and it is blowing my mind. It is a research junkies dream!

What are you reading right now? Got any more recs for me??
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